What To Expect From Your First Dental Appointment

If you avoid going to the dentist, you are not alone. Around 15 percent of people in the United States avoid going to dental offices due to anxiety. When faced with going to a dentist one has not seen before, the stress can be overwhelming. However, the biggest reason for fear is not knowing what to expect. Here is a rundown of what you can expect from your first visit to a new dentist.

First, you will register and give your details to the dental receptionist. You will be asked to fill out a questionnaire. They will want to know the basics, such as your name, address, phone number and a contact name and number and they will want to know about any dental issues you have had in the past as well as what you have been dealing with recently. The receptionist will be able to answer some of your questions regarding payment, and what types of treatment are available to you.

Next, your new dentist will look at your teeth and evaluate the health of your teeth and gums. He or she will ask about any problems you have been having with your oral health. The dentist will count your teeth and fillings and measure spaces between your teeth. This will be recorded on a chart to be kept in your records for later referrals.

You should be seated in a comfortable chair while the dentist examines your mouth and advises you on how to best care for your teeth.

X-rays may be next. If it has been a while since you have seen a dentist and you are there due to dental pain, x-rays are used to detect problems that are not visible to the naked eye. X-rays can find an infection, cavities, gum disease, and some kinds of oral tumors. The x-rays are not usually painful, and they are done quickly.

After your teeth have been examined and your dentist has reviewed the x-rays, the receptionist will schedule another appointment. If you need to have work done, you will get an appointment for an extraction, filling, further examination, or any necessary surgery. Even if everything is fine, it will be necessary to schedule routine appointments.

The research has shown that going to the dentist regularly helps to prevent gum disease and tooth decay, and helps to keep any problems from getting worse. The American Dental Association, or ADA, recommends that patients see their dentist twice a year. If you do require further dental treatment after your first appointment, the receptionist will let you know what to do and what to expect.

Your initial Richmond dental appointment will not take long at all and is not something about which you need to worry. It is just a quick registration, exam, x-ray, and discussion about taking care of your teeth and gums. When you do need special treatment, you will have already met your dentist and will be able to ask questions and get an idea of what to expect in the future.

Remember that a good dentist has your health in mind and will do his or her best to ensure that you are comfortable and have all the information you need to keep your mouth and teeth healthy for years to come.

Do I Need To Go To A Dentist?

There are quite a few people in the world who are completely afraid of going to the dentist. Even though it might seem like a horrifying thing to do, the fear of a visit is not something people should be worried about too much.

Regular dental appointments will make a big difference when it comes to having a healthy set of teeth and gums. It is better to be proactive about things then to let it get out of hand in a hurry. Otherwise, it could come down to an emergency visit where there is no choice other than to go to the dentist.

What makes a person need to go to the dentist?

If any of the following apply to you, it might be time to make and a visit to the dentist. Remember, regular visits should always be made, but this means that something might be very urgent.

Severe pain issues

If there is any sharp pain in the mouth area, it might be time to visit the dentist as soon as possible. This pain might happen not only when a person is chewing, but just going about their daily life as well.

There is a decent chance of tooth decay if this is the issue. Visit the dentist as soon as possible so that they can assess the situation. They might be able to provide some quick, on the spot relief so that the pain is no longer there. It might just be a minor surgery that is needed to fix everything.

Gums that are swollen

If the gums are ever swollen, it likely means that there is something wrong. This might only last for a small amount of time, but if it last four days and even weeks, a dentist needs to be taking a look.

Gingivitis and other serious issues can start the form if the gums are hurting. Don’t put off a visit if they can help.

Discoloration on the teeth

If the teeth don’t look just right, it might mean that something is wrong with the enamel. This is also a factor when it comes to spotting tooth decay. Don’t let acid damage teeth in a way that ruined a perfectly good smile.

Sensitivity towards extreme temperatures

Whenever somebody drinks something very hot or cold, there is a little bit of reaction. However, if it is an extreme reaction, it might mean that the teeth are damaged and they need to be repaired.

Tooth enamel starts to corrode quite a bit over time, and this helps to regulate temperatures in the mail. As soon as anything hot or cold is extremely uncomfortable, it’s time to see a dentist.

Sudden changes

If the teeth don’t look right for one reason or another, maybe something happened during the night. Another thing is that issues can start to pile up, and just one day out of the blue, there is a crack or some other weird change into the structure.

Most of the time, this is coupled with pain, so people have no choice but to go to the dentist. If there is no pain but still a difference, get on the phone to talk to a dentist.

Canker sore issues

Canker sores can develop virtually anywhere, so it is essential to treat them when possible. Don’t put them off if they last for more than a couple of days. Sometimes it is something minor, but it can get out of hand in a hurry.

Excessive dry mouth

This is another issue that might seem like nothing at first, but the more it goes on, the more it needs to be addressed. Don’t be someone who puts off having a dry mouth for weeks and weeks.

Dentists understand that not everyone is completely comfortable visiting them. However, it is important to make a scheduled appointment if there is something wrong. Try to do regular checkups every six months, but sometimes emergencies need to be treated as well.

Family Dentists

When was the last time you’ve been to the dentist? Many people can be apprehensive about visiting the dentist, but you don’t have to be with Valley Dental Group available in your area. We do everything we can to create a calm and relaxing environment so you can actually enjoy your visit.

Affordable options for your visit

Don’t put off going to the dentist any longer. You could actually be doing yourself more harm than good. We accept most major insurance plans and provide a 20% discount to all new patients so there is no reason not to come.

Just Some of Our Services

– Comprehensive exams and cleanings

– Root canals

– Bridges

– Veneers

– Extractions

– Crowns and 22k gold shell crowns

– Fillings

– Onsite laboratory

Compassionate care

As a family owned and operated practice, you can feel confident that you will get the best care possible. All of our associates are friendly and willing to listen to your needs. No matter what you’re coming in for, we have a wide range of services available to meet your needs.